1. Darwinex Docs
  2. Providing a DARWIN

How to link a MetaTrader account from other broker?

If you trade with a live MetaTrader account with other broker, you can link it to Darwinex and have access to an in-depth analysis of your trading strategy.

To be able to link your account you don't need to change your current broker.

However, the following requirements must be met:

  • Your broker has to allow access to your account's full trading history.
  • At least 95% of the trades were opened on assets offered by Darwinex.
  • At least 95% of the account's total return was achieved on assets offered by Darwinex.

How to link a MetaTrader account

Follow these steps to link your account:

  1. Go to the "Link your MT4 account" page.
  2. Choose your account name. Don't worry as you can change it as many times as you want in the future. 
  3. Select your account's trading platform (MT4 or MT5), your broker's server and enter your account details (account number and investor password*).

The first analysis can take in between 24-48 hours and you will be notified when it has been completed.

Once linked, your account will be analyzed once a day.

Want to know more?

  1. Analysis. You will be able to both analyze your trades in detail and share your results with whomever you like. Your linked account will be analyzed in exactly the same way as live Darwinex trading accounts.
  2. Changes to the investor password. If you change the investor password of your linked account, our algorithms will stop analyzing this account. You will need to update the password so we can carry on analyzing your account.
  3. NO DARWIN. Only accounts trading with Darwinex are eligible to create a DARWIN and thus participate in our DarwinIA trading challenge. If you wish to create a DARWIN and manage AuM from both Darwinex and other investors, you are more than welcome to migrate your linked account's track record into a live Darwinex MT account.

Once you have succesfully linked your account, you can request the migration. The migration process enables you to import the trading history you have built up in a live account with another broker.

You'll be able to:

  1. Create a DARWIN.
  2. Participate in the DarwinIA trading challenge.
  3. Manage investor capital.
You can read the full instructions about how to request the migration in the following article.